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13417421_1066119556815468_8713517097222425363_nTulip Châu Sa

Dear Lord,
🌷It has been such a long, difficult, sad time for me and my loved ones for years. There is so much that is wrong in our dear family for so long because of her and him. You are being removed from so much in our hearts and we are seeing the fruits of that effort!

🌷Lord, may we see our need for you. I pray for peace. I pray for revival. I pray for truth, righteousness, justice and love for one woman and one man who destroyed our united family that my Mom and Dad had built up in their whole life to prevail in every area of our hearts. I pray for an end to senseless spiritual violence that he and she keep making. Please strengthen and encourage my family members who are feeling weak, weary and discouraged. May your love and peace fill our hearts and homes and spill over onto those around us. May we be lights in the darkness and voices of reason that point the way to you. Lord, I pray for your comfort for grieving hearts of my loved ones.

🌷I pray for your peace for worried, anxious minds. I pray that he and she will find you and look to you to be their Savior so they can allow You to change their evil hearts. In the name of Jesus I pray. Amen.


13417421_1066119556815468_8713517097222425363_nTulip Châu Sa

SONY DSC🌷It’s hard to believe that June has flown by, and July is right around the corner. Half year has gone by and what have I done and there is so much more that I wanted to do…Before I threw my head on my pillow last night, I asked myself, why haven’t I done the things that I had planned to do!? My time bank account has a little left. If I have a WISH, I would wish time can only once go backwards to 17 years ago for me…😇

13417421_1066119556815468_8713517097222425363_nTulip Châu Sa

🌷So much to talk and discuss about the Beach Camp with my kids and my niece this year. I want to make sure they keep the fire they brought home from the Camp burning daily in their souls, their lives! However, they all need sometimes to rest after the long road trip. I’ll get back to them in a few days with the Theme Topic of the camp: Set Apart!

🌷There is No WORDS for me to use to describe how much I want to give thanks to the Lord, to my kids Pastors, to the parents who set their time in their busy schedules to travel along with my kids and be with them at the camp. Each time they came home, the first thing they told me is “I love our camp, mother!”, and of course they have many wonderful testimony stories to share, they made me feel like I was at the camp and listened to wonderful kids talked about Jesus in front of thousands youths ❤️

🌷 I love my Northwest Bible Church, where all I have learned is the TRUTH about Jesus Christ and how He changes lives from bad to HOLY!❤️

Tulip Châu Sa

Dear my loved friends who prayed for me last few days!
My surgery went pretty well and I am doing great. I am home for Thanksgiving Eve Dinner with all my loved ones that I can’t live without. Thank you again for your prayers. I could feel the Spirit healed me through Dr. Davis Thomas and his surgery assistant team.

I am so thankful for everything Lord Jesus blessed me through all of you and His Angels around me daily.

I wish all of you and your lovely families a Thanksgiving filled with love and joy in your hearts and minds! And as you celebrate this special day, please join with our people across this Nation to express our gratitude to who ever had done anything in your lives, good or bad has its benefits, it all inspiring help us become a better person, I remember a quote said, “Never blame anyone in your life. Good people give you happiness; bad people give you experience; worst people give you lesson AND best people give you memories”. This quote is too good to be true.

12308411_945176388909786_1182241343172842898_nI am looking up to Jesus expressing my great GRATITUDE to Him, He is my provider, my Savior, my Lord! He is the only ONE WHO could help me live my life of gratitude. And as most of us have known, living a life of gratitude can make everyone of us happy. Why? Simply when we live a life of gratitude can help us get out of depression. Gratitude is also noticing the good things and reminds us of the positive things in our lives. It can turn bad things into good things.

Be thankful because it could make us stronger characters.  It reminds us of what’s important, what’s not. It reminds us to thank others. All of these things can change our lives and bring us happiness. Some of you may not agree with me, but, I just had shared with you my wonderful experiences about living a life of GRATITUDE. I hope one day you will share with others the same things about GRATITUDE that you would experience in your lives, just like I had shared with you today. The GRATITUDE is a beautiful virtue to practice and to live with!

I love you all!


Family Thanksgiving Eve Dinner. Nov 25, 2015

Tulip Châu Sa

Kinh Đô Ánh Sáng trong phút chốc biến thành Kinh Đô của Dòng Sông Dư Lệ. Chỉ có nước mắt bàng hoàng của những người ở lại mới viết đầy đủ về những câu chuyện của những người nằm xuống đêm qua giữa trung tâm Kinh Đô Ánh Sáng Paris… Cái ác dường như đang mạnh lên thành cơn lốc xoáy trên cả địa cầu. Nó muốn quét sạch lương tri con người. Sự thật thì lương tri con người luôn tìm ẩn và sẽ mọc lên như nấm sau mỗi cơn càng quét của nó. Paris ơi! Cả thế giới đang cùng lau khô dòng dư lệ với bạn!


My prayers for Paris and Victims of terrorism 😢

Paris! The City of magnificent Light in just seconds became The City of Tears! The World weeps with You, and The World cry out for you in prayers, Paris!

Tulip Châu Sa

Thanksgiving, Appreciation and Recognition Yearly Event of Lower Light Christian Health Center at Grove City Church of Nazarene- November 7, 2017- PLEASE READ CAUSE YOU MAY SAVE SOMEONE!


My sister and Daughter (front row) My Son and my Daughter (back row)


The Board-Sponsor of LLCHC and The Board Staffs of LLCHC

I am so thankful for being a part of Lower Lights Christian Health Center.

Our Lower Lights Christian Health Center (LLCHC) is a community-based nonprofit organization dedicated to making a difference in a medically underserved area by improving access to health care and by providing consistent holistic high quality medical care to all who need it regardless of their ability to pay.

My family and I had a wonderful time at Grove City Church of Nazarene where we met the Board of LLCHC, the Board Staffs of LLCHC and all wonderful Doctors, Nurses and Administration staffs of LLCHC.

Thank You Jesus Christ for giving me and my loved ones an opportunity to meet all GREAT PEOPLE at Grove City Church of Nazarene, the Sponsor of Lower Light Christian Health Center.

PS: To my dear friends in Ohio, if you know any ones need medical care and they don’t have medical insurances to cover the cost, please tell them come to Lower Light Christian Health Center, we can help them get the best care without worrying about their ability to pay. Also, if you want to be a part of LLCHC, we have several positions currently opening, including Physicians Staffs. Jesus Bless your hearts!


We are having a light brunch before the program started


Wonderful People of LLCHC

Tulip Châu Sa

Two days before his trip, Mom took him to hair salon for a haircut.  He declared, “Mother, I am not going to have a haircut or I am not going on D.C. Trip!”. Mom replied, “You are not going to have any of those choices.” He was silent for the rest of that Saturday afternoon.

While he was shopping with mom at Walmart for snacks that mom allowed him to have on the trip, he picked a cute toy for Autumn. That evening was the happiest evening of Autumn. She loves her toy so much. Calvin looked at Autumn played with her toy and he was happy too. He told Autumn, “I’m going to leave you and mom for 4 days, play with the new toy I picked for you today and try not to bother Mom much, I’ll miss you, Autumn”.

After the last meeting for Calvin’s D.C trip, mom took Calvin to Kohls to buy a good comfort walking shoes . I hope that with this new shoes his little feet could handle more than 10 miles for each day in Washington D.C!

Calvin DC TRIPMonday morning came, Mom dropped Calvin off at school by 6:20 AM. When all the buses were rolling around 7:00 AM, mom drove to work. Two days Calvin has left mom and his family for his trip already… Our home is so empty…it’s missing laughter and everything is not the same…

Mom is following Calvin in every step that he moved through Memorial Middle School’s Twitter. He seems exited about the trip and is having fun with his friends, leaders and teachers. Mom used to followed Calvin on his school trips in the past, but this time he was going alone… Thanks God so much for the global communication, though mom could not go with Calvin, she still could follow Calvin and his group (Bus #5) hourly in Washington D.C.

Mom continue to pray for you, your friends, parents, also for all of your school staffs who set their time available for you and your friends my dear son, Calvin Chương.  I am missing you badly. I even missed you crazily right after we prayed together for your trip last Sunday night before your bed time, Darling!

Calvin DC TRIP 2

Tulip Châu Sa

Thy and Friends’s Homecoming 2015 Album

Thy Thy and friends’s Homecoming Album
“Director”: Mom Tulip Châu Sa
Co-Director: Janice Pham
“Photographer”: Mom Tulip Châu Sa
Edittor: Mom Tulip Châu Sa

Location: Homestead Park in Hilliard, Ohio
October 10, 2015

(Moms and Dads, please click on each picture for LARGER VIEW to save!)

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Tulip Châu Sa

Happy birthday to the sweetest, cutest, coolest, funniest, funkiest, brightest and newest teenager in town, Calvin Chuong!

12038014_921333394627419_736539920663443897_nDear son, you bring to my life innumerable joys.  I am daily giving thanks to our Lord for blessing me through YOUR EXISTENCE in my life.  I want to share with you a few things today.  You may be old enough to officially use Facebook, smart devices, internet, but remember that you are not still old enough to get away with posting, playing, watching anything you like. I want you to be yourself, don’t try to imitate others and never back down after a failure.  Keep in mind this, how you will live your life when you are 31 depends a lot on how you live your life when you are THIRTEEN. Stay out of trouble and behave nicely with your parents, your sisters, your relatives, your Pastor, your Teachers, your Doctors, your counselors, your friends.  Continue to work hard, get good grades as you always do and be the best teenager the world has ever seen, most importantly, be the best Jesus Christ’s follower in this world.  I wish you the best as you turn life’s new page! I love you dearly; I love you more and more each day!

Your best friend, your second best advisor beside our Lord,




Most WANTED pic (haha) was taken by Kelly DiCorro at Northwest Bible Church on Sunday, Sept 26, 2015.

Tulip Châu Sa

12020047_920321208061971_3776762788370772290_nWhat a sweet encouragement and motivation from Dr. Sadineni Office!  My kids had Dentist Appointments yesterday afternoon, guess what, they “got paid for all A students” from Dublin Metro Dental.  Just bring in your kids’s ALL A records from schools, they will receive an AMC gift card.  Wonderful gift for our family movie time on next Friday night at AMC.  Thank you Dr. Sadineni for her EXCELLENT LOVING CARE, thank you all her EXPERT staffs!

12065642_920320938061998_4059508462609153813_n Thật là một sự khích lệ và động viên ngọt ngào từ văn phòng Nha Sĩ Dr. Sadineni.  Các con tôi có hẹn với Nha Sĩ chiều hôm qua, khi đến đó, Giám Đốc điều hành hỏi các con tôi có đạt điểm A trong tất cả các môn học của kỳ kiểm tra vừa qua không,  tất nhiên rồi!  Tôi đã vào trang chủ của các trường học sao chép kết quả học tập và gởi qua email cho Giám Đốc điều hành Dublin Metro Dental, thế là Thy và Chương nhận được món quà đầy khích lệ.  AMC gift cards các con nhận được có thể dùng cho buổi xem phim gia đình ngoài rạp AMC vào thứ Sáu tuần tới.  Rất vui và rất tự hào về sự cố gắng của các con tôi!